Friday, May 31, 2019
Chemical Transport During Surface Irrigation :: Agriculture Farming Papers
Chemical Transport During Surface Irrigation Surface irrigation, the most prominent method utilise for irrigating agricultural crops, is the flowing of water across the product line surface. As the water flows, it infiltrates into the soil. The amount of water applied to the field is regulated by the length of clip that the water is wholeowed to flow. Surface irrigation can be subdivided into following four types based the amount of water flow control wild flooding, graded roomers, level boarders and crumple irrigation. Wild flooding uses a series of field pukees running parallel or perpendicular to the fields contour. water is introduced into the field either be overflowing the ditches or by siphon. Once the water enters the field, the water is allowed to flow uncontrolled under the force of gravity. The water then infiltrates the soil as it moves across the field. The graded boarder method is similar to wild flooding except that the field is divided into a series of smaller narrower fields varying from 10 to 20 meters huge and 100 to 400 meters long. Each of these smaller fields is surrounded by a low ridge that keeps the water from spreading to much laterally. This method gives around control over the flow of water. Level boarder irrigation is similar to the graded boarder method except that the field is leveled within the low ridges surrounding it. Water can be introduced into the field at a faster rate so the field is covered much quicker. The water is then allowed to infiltrate into the soil. furrow irrigation chanalizes the water into narrow furrows running the length of the field perpendicular to the contour of the field. This submerges only about one fifth of the soil surface. As the water flows downward the furrow it infiltrates into the soil below and to the sides of the furrow. All four of these methods result in excess water macrocosm applied to the field to ensure that the far ends of the field are adequately watered. This means that there will be water running off the field on the downhill side of the field. A ditch is run along the side of the field to collect this water and remove it from the field. This excess water is of concern from a water quality standpoint. Almost all crops grown in the united states are done so under intense fertilization and pest control programs that result in large amounts of fertilizers and pesticides being applied to the soil and crop itself.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Democracy: Justices, Injustices, and Socratic Arguments to Improve Cur
In the body politic, Plato seeks to define justice and, through definition, show that justice is intrinsically worthwhile. In doing so, Plato sets out to explain the principal theory of semipolitical justice, and from this obtain a parallel model of individual justice. Essentially, justice is defined as a result of accurate logic or reasoning. However, it is quite measurable to none that the democratic regime discussed in the Republic is not the same as the known democratic regime of today. The democratic establishment discussed in the Republic is a direct majority rule, which, even at that time, proved to be a failure. However, the overall idea of justice and injustice found in direct democracy oftentimes proves analogous to that of the current representative democracy. Throughout the Republic Plato seeks a definition of justice, and, in Book VIII, what justice qualification be found in the different regimes presented, including the democratic regime. Justice, as found in de mocracy, has its roots in comparability and variety. Indeed, Socrates confirms that it looks as though this is the finest or most beautiful of the constitutions, for . . . this city, embroidered with every multifariousness of character type, would seem to be the most beautiful. Variety is important to some, equality to most, and it is in the democracy where these two elements are highly valued. Here, justice is seen through the concept of equality, a vital concept of the true Form of Justice to many. Indeed, equality is a core aspect of democracy in the Republic, from which Plato identifies that it is the democratic regime that gives substance to equality in the purest form available. This democratic regime containing the pure equality is admired by Plato, for it is a idyllic constitution . . . which distributes a sort of equality to both equals and unequals alike. Another aspect of the Form of Justice which is extremely important to many, and is also found in the democratic re gime, is freedom. Plato, in fact, seems to admire the concept of freedom, although not placing it above the quest of seeking the Form of the Good, as Socrates observes that in this city there is no requirement to rule . . . or again to be rule if you dont want to be, or be at war . . . or at peace unless you want it . . . Isnt this a divine and pleasant life, while it lasts? Freedom is basically found only, or at le... ...hildren at a young age, and reinforce it throughout their life. Yet another argument Plato might present toward improvement might be the value to which we hold personal freedom. Truly, is personal freedom outside sacrifice? Plato might repugn that, indeed, too much(prenominal) emphasis is currently placed on personal freedom rather than discussing the benefits, such as harmony and order, in conceding some freedom. Plato would also argue that society currently holds tightly to the concept and value of personal freedom because the regime is disordered, and theref ore those living in such a society are unhealthy. Ultimately, Plato might argue that to improve the current democratic regime would be to reach towards, and possibly achieve, the ideal state however, realistically to improve the current democracy would be to keep the constitution of democracy intact. That is, some adjustments of education, specialization, and morality are necessary, in the Socratic argument, to achieve improvements in the current democratic regime, but not so much that it is moved out of the status of a democracy. BibliographyPlato. Republic. Translated by G.M.A. Grube. Indianapolis Hackett Publishing Company, 1992.
Living at Treasure Island :: Descriptive Essay Examples
Living at Treasure Island   Just imagine that you are sitting on the shore, tone the salt air, and feeling the cool breeze. The sun is slowly melting into the ocean and the sky is the shade of bright purple that can only be seen at dusk. It has been a long, hot day in the s un, and it feels nice to finally let it end. This is what living in Treasure Island, Florida is all ab come in.   Treasure Island is a subaltern community inside St. Petersburg, Florida. The island is only seven miles long and a half-mile wide. It is directly in between St. Pete Beach and Madiera Beach. There are not very umteen full-time residents on the island beca use there are so many hotels.   Tourism is the business in Treasure Island, because the weather is warm all year. During the winter months, elderly people come from the cooler states to escape the cold weather. The Florida natives call these tourists Snowbird or blue-hairs. Th ese tourists really do earn these unsavoury ti tles because they all drive five miles an hour. This makes the locals crazy. After the snowbirds leave, all of the summer tourists arrive. These are usually families driving mini-vans with ten bratty kids wh o are all out of school for the summer.   Despite the fact that these tourists are a pain, life in Treasure Island is wonderful. Everyone who lives on the island is very friendly and extremely easy going. This type of somebody seems to be bred at the beach. It seems as if no one really has an y worries or complaints when they live at the beach. For example, people who attend church at the beach do not even bother to dress up. Churchgoers wear shorts, tennis shoes, and a sun hat. Their attitude is very different from that of an urban area.   Native natural beachers seem to look at life from a practical point of view. I believe that they do this because of the heat. It is not uncommon for the temperature to hit 101 degrees in the shade on Treasure Island. The ocean breeze is nice, but is do es not always help. For example, my mother once left a cassette attach in the back window of her car and when she returned two hours later, is was liquid plastic.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
My Passion for Visual Arts and Web Design Essay -- Computer, Internet,
The term visual arts can have different meanings. To some it is a passion, to others it is sound a job. To me it is just a new and growing hobby that I would sleep together to turn into a passion and a job. Just recently I have been reunited with my love for art and bearing. When I was in 5th grade, I was put into an advanced drawing class against my will and I have grown to enjoy it and then became very good at drawing. Eventually I was exposed to the internet and web design. I found it very hard and quit. Recently my best confederate started to pass away attatched with art and web design, which sparked the memory from when I used to enjoy art also. I decided that I should revive that passion for art that I had and use it to become a web designer. Web Design is almost like an art. It is the design of various instruction and services over the Internet. Luckily for businesses and customers, the information and services provided are done through the World Wide Web. As earlier mentioned, Web design is a form of art, meaning that art and institution are needed to form Web pages to fit particular business needs. Web sites have now progressed into a form of advertisements for most companies. This is where your Web design and art skills come into play. Also your knowledge of how the human eye travels across the page is very helpful meaning that you know what attracts people and take outs them stop and olfaction at your advertisement. This is why I want to pursue in visual arts to continue building upon my foundations and turn me into a professional designer. My goal is to become a web designer with a large variety of art knowledge to make my work on a professional level as well as shaping my art skills.In the graphic design field, my main goal is to learn how... that get the attention of teens can annoy honest-to-god people and vise-versa. Colors might just be one of the most overlooked aspects of Graphic Design. This experience helped me make my d ecision because it enhanced my thirst for knowledge. straightaway knowing that I posses all the traits required to be a good graphic designer I want to pursue graphic design heretofore more. After I realized that I want to take my art design computer talents into the real world to help bussinesses and my clients and in the end make money doing for what I enjoy. Im still interested in pursuing Graphic Design because its something I want to do and knowing more about it now, I want to be a graphic designer even more because companies also employ a lot of designers. There are still some things that Im not prefect at and would love to enhance my abilities to be the best graphic designer I possibly can.
The Duchess of Malfi - Character Summary :: English Literature
The Duchess of Malfi - Character SummaryThe birds that live i th fieldOn the wild benefit of nature, liveHappier than we for they whitethorn choose their mates,And carol their sweet pleasures to the spring.The Duchess of Malfi (3.5.18-21)The Duchess of Malfi Character SummaryA widow, the duchess rules her duchy alone. Lonely and in love, shesecretly marries her steward Antonio. This is done in a hand-fast unification witnessed by Cariola, the Duchess hand-maiden. By choosingto draw Antonio in secret, the Duchess neglects her duty to herpeople. When she begins getting pregnant and giving birth, her peopledenounce her as a strumpet. They then lose their esteem for theirleader. The pilgrims in Act 4 (when the Duchess and her family are inLoreto at the religous shrine) are the only disinterested parties inthe play. They are also the only disinterested commoners. tail end to top.Thats the greatest torture souls feel in hell,In hell that they must live, and cannot die.The Duchess of Malf i (4.1.70-71)Wo manpower as RulersWomen rulers and the circumstances they deal with are very much unlikemen rulers and their situations. The women must worry about societyspropensities, their own feelings, and the welfare of their people. Itis much more difficult to be a woman in power than to be a man inpower. The choices women rulers make cannot be only for themselves,and one wrong decision can spell disaster. Interested in womenscourtly power and form?A count Hes a mere stick of sugar-candy,You may look quite through him. When I chooseA husband, I will marry for your honor.The Duchess of Malfi (3.1.43-45)The Real-life Duchess of Malfi Queen ElizabethQueen Elizabeth I ruled over England alone. She never married,choosing to claim instead that she was married to her country. Bydoing this, Elizabeth retained her authority and she was not forgotten buttocks the name of a man. In spite of this, though, or perhaps becauseof it, she endeared herself to her people. The Duchess, choosing love,chooses her downfall. The Queen Elizabeth, choosing duty (her throne),chooses the path to immortality.I am acquainted with sad misery,As the tan galley-slave is with his oar.Necessity makes me suffer constantly,And custom makes it easy.The Duchess of Malfi (4.2.27-30)The Duchess and FerdinandIncest, as a motive, was used extensively in various Elizabethan/Jacobean plays including Hamlet, A King & No King, and Tis pityShes a Whore. Incest is merely implied in The Duchess of Malfibecause the queer nature of the play does not allow it to become anabsolute.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle Essay -- Kurt
Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats CradleCats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut was written in 1963. It is a satirical commentary on modern soldiery and his madness (back cover). It is a book that counters almost every aspect of our society. As well as satire, Vonnegut also includes apocalyptic elements in this novel.Satire, the use of irony, sarcasm, or bemock in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice or folly (Webster 1193), is very prevalent in Cats Cradle. Vonnegut hits on many aspects of human life with this satire. Government, worship, medicine, and business are good a few of these aspects. In focusing on government, Vonnegut shows us a leader (Papa Monzano), who attempts to create a utopia, but just like in todays society, he makes promises to his people, and then fails to fulfill them. Ironically he allows the best for himself and his staff, while his people struggle. As well, Vonnegut attacks religion with his own creatively made up religion (Bokononism) which is nothi ng but lies. He shows religion and science to be contradictory where religion is based ...
Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats Cradle Essay -- Kurt
Satire, and Black Humor in Kurt Vonneguts Cats CradleCats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut was written in 1963. It is a satirical commentary on modern man and his madness (back cover). It is a book that counters almost every aspect of our society. As well as satire, Vonnegut also includes revelatory elements in this novel.Satire, the use of irony, sarcasm, or ridicule in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice or folly (Webster 1193), is very prevalent in Cats Cradle. Vonnegut hits on many aspects of gentlemans gentleman life with this satire. Government, religion, medicine, and business are just a few of these aspects. In focusing on government, Vonnegut shows us a leader (Papa Monzano), who attempts to create a utopia, but just like in todays society, he makes promises to his people, and then fails to fulfill them. Ironically he allows the best for himself and his staff, while his people struggle. As well, Vonnegut attacks religion with his bear creatively made up religion (Bokononism) wh ich is nothing but lies. He shows religion and science to be contradictory where religion is based ...
Monday, May 27, 2019
Passage to India Part One Essay
Summary Chapter IV Mr. Turton invites several Indian gentlemen to the proposed Bridge Party at the club. The Indians argon surprised by the invitation. Mahmoud Ali suspects that the lieutenant general has ordered Turton to hold the companionship. The Nawab Bahadur, one of the just about important Indian lan bug outers in the area, announces that he appreciates the invitation and provide attend. Some accuse the Nawab Bahadur of cheapening himself, but most Indians highly respect him and decide to attend as well. The narrator describes the room in which the Indian gentlemen meet. Outside keep the lowlier Indians who received no invitation.The narrator describes Mr. Grayford and Mr. Sorley, missionaries on the outskirts of the city. Mr. Sorley feels that all men go to heaven, but non lowly white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, bacteria, or mud, because something mustiness be excluded to vary bounteous for those who are included. Mr. Sorleys Hindu friends disagree, however, as they fee l that God includes every living thing. Summary Chapter V At the Bridge Party, the Indian guests stand idly at one side of the tennis lawn while the English stand at the some other.The clear segregation dismays Adela Quested and Mrs. Moore. Ronny and Mrs.Turton disdainfully discuss the Indians clothing, which mixes Eastern and Western styles. several(prenominal) Englishwomen arrive and discuss the earlier production of Cousin Kate. Mrs. Moore is surprised to none how intolerant and conventional Ronnys opinions hold back be scrape. Mr. Turton arrives, cynically noting to himself that each guest has come for a self-serving reason. Reluctantly, Mrs. Turton takes Adela and Mrs. Moore to visit a group of Indian ladies. Mrs. Turton addresses the Indian women in crude Urdu, and thus asks Mrs. Moore and Adela if they are satisfied. One of the Indian women speaks, and Mrs.Turton is surprised to perk that the women k straight English.Mrs. Moore and Adela unsuccessfully try to draw the I ndian women out into much substantial conversation. Mrs. Moore asks one of them, Mrs. Bhattacharya, if she and Adela can visit her at home. Mrs. Bhattacharya agrees to host the Englishwomen the upcoming Thursday, and her married man promises to send his carriage for them. Mr. field, who is in any case at the piece of musicy, affableizes freely with the Indians and even eats on the Indian side of the lawn. He is pleased to learn that Adela and Mrs. Moore have been accessible to the Indians.Fielding locates Adela and invites her nd Mrs. Moore to tea leaftime. Adela complains about how rude the English are acting toward their guests, but Fielding suspects her complaints are in severaliseectual, not emotional. Adela mentions Dr. Aziz, and Fielding promises to invite the doctor to tea as well. That evening, Adela and Ronny dine with the McBrydes and cut down Derek. The dinner consists of standard English fare. During the meal, Adela begins to dread the prospect of a drab married l ife among the insensitive English. She fears she will neer get to know the true spirit of India. After Adela goes to bed, Ronny asks his mother about Adela.Mrs.Moore explains that Adela feels that the English are unpleasant to the Indians. Ronny is dismissive, explaining that the English are in India to keep the peace, not to be pleasant. Mrs. Moore disagrees, saying it is the duty of the English to be pleasant to Indians, as God demands love for all men. Mrs. Moore instantly regrets mentioning God ever since she has arrived in India, her God has knowmed less powerful than ever before. Summary Chapter VI The morning after Azizs encounter with Mrs. Moore, Major Callendar scolds the doctor for failing to report straight off to his summons, and he does not ask for Azizs side of the story.Aziz and a colleague, Dr. Panna Lal, decide to attend the Bridge Party together. However, the troupe falls on the anniversary of Azizs wifes death, so he decides not to attend. Aziz mourns his lovi ng wife for part of the day and then borrows Hamidullahs pony to practice polo on the townspeople green. An English soldier is also practicing polo, and he and Aziz play together skeletonly as comrades. Dr. Lal, returning from the Bridge Party, runs into Aziz. Lal reports that Azizs absence was noticed, and he insists on intimate why Aziz did not attend. Aziz, considering Lal ill mannered to ask such a question, reacts defiantly.By the time Aziz reaches home, though, he has begun to worry that the English will punish him for not attending. His mood improves when he opens Fieldings invitation to tea. Aziz is pleased that Fielding has civilizedly ignored the fact that Aziz forgot to respond to an invitation to tea at Fieldings finally month. Analysis Chapters IVVI The wildly unsuccessful Bridge Party stands as the clear focus of this portion of the novel. Though the event is meant to be a time of orchestrated interaction, a bridge between the two cultures, the only result is heigh tened suspicion on both sides.Indians such as Mahmoud Ali suspect that Turton is throwing the society not in good faith, but on orders from a superior. Turton himself suspects that the Indians attend only for self-serving reasons. The party remains segregated, with the English hosts regarding their guests as one bighearted group that can be split down only into Indian types, not into individuals. Though the Bridge Party clearly furthers our idea that the English as a whole act condescendingly toward the Indians, Forster also uses the party to examine the minute differences among English attitudes.Mrs.Turton, for instance, represents the attitude of most Englishwomen in India she is flatly bigoted and rude, regarding herself as superior to all Indians in seemingly every respect. The Englishmen at the party, however, appear less malicious in their attitudes. Mr. Turton and Ronny Heaslop are representative of this type through their naturalize they have come to know some Indians as individuals, and though somewhat condescending, they are far less overtly malicious than the Englishwomen. Cyril Fielding, who made a brief appearance in Chapter III, appears here to be the model of successful interaction between the English and Indians.Un identical the other English, Fielding does not recognize racial distinctions between himself and the native population. Instead, he interacts with Indians on an individual-to-individual basis. Moreover, he senses that he has found like-minded souls in Adela Quested and Mrs. Moore. Of the two, Fielding is more closely akin to Mrs. Moore than Adela Fielding and Mrs. Moore are unself-conscious in their friendship with Indians, whereas Adela consciously and actively seeks out this cross-cultural friendship as an interesting and enriching experience. Forster fleshes out the character of Adela Quested significantly in these chapters.As part of this effort, the author uses Fielding as a sort of moral barometer, a character whose belie fs we can trust. In this regard, we can see Fieldings judgment of Adelathat she appears to object to the English treatment of the Indians on an intellectual, quite a than emotional levelas Forsters own judgment. Adela, perhaps because of this intellectual, unemotional curiosity about Indian culture, conducts her interactions in India in a negative sense rather than a positive oneattempting to not act like the other English rather than attempting to actively identify with Indians.Adela always acts s an individual, rejecting the herd mentality of the other couples at the English club. charm the other English try to re-create England in India through meals of sardines and plays like Cousin Kate, Adela hopes to experience the real India, the spirit of India. Yet we sense that Adelas idea of this real India is vague and somewhat romanticized, especially when compared to Mrs. Moores genuine interaction with Aziz or Fieldings enthusiastic willingness to partake in Indian culture. The pri mary Indian protagonist, Aziz, develops in these chapters as significantly distinct from English expectations of Indian character.While the English pride themselves on dividing the Indian character into types with identifiable characteristics, Aziz appears to be a man of indefinable flux. Forster distinguishes Azizs non-homogeneous guisesoutcast, poet, medical student, religious worshiperand his ability to slip easily among them without warning. Azizs whims fluctuate in a way similar to his overall character. In Chapter VI we see Aziz shift from mood to mood in the space of minutes first he wants to attend the Bridge Party, then he is disgusted with the party, then he despairingly mourns his dead wife, then he seeks companionship and exercise.Ironically, one of Azizs only constant qualities is a characteristically English quality an pressing upon good breeding and polite manners. This quality makes Aziz slightly prejudicedit leads him to reject his friendship with Dr. Lalyet it al so allows him to disregard racial boundaries, as when he feels mechanically affectionate toward Fielding because of the Englishmans politeness. Furthermore, Forster uses these chapters to begin to develop one of the major ideas he explores in A Passage to Indiathe inclusiveness of the Hindu religion, especially as compared to Christianity.Forster portrays Hinduism as a religion that encompasses all, that sees God in everything, even the smallest bacterium. He specifically aligns Mrs. Moore with Hinduism in the earlier scene from Chapter III in which she treats a small wasp kindly. The image of the wasp reappears in Chapter IV as the wasp that the Hindus assume will be part of heavena point on which the Christian missionaries Mr. Grayford and Mr. Sorley disagree. Mrs. Moore is a Christian, but in Chapter VI we see that she has begun to call her Christianity into question during her stay in India. Whereas God earlier was the greatest thought in Mrs.Moores head, now the woman appears t o sense something beyond that thought, perhaps the more inclusive and all-encompassing worldview of Hinduism.Summary Chapter VII In every remark Aziz found a meaning, but not always the true meaning, and his life though vivid was largely a dream. (See 0pl,) Fieldings many worldly experiences keep him from creation insensitive toward Indians like the rest of the English are. The English mildly distrust Fielding, partly out of suspicion of his efforts to educate Indians as individuals. Fielding also makes improvised comments that distress the English, such as his remark that whites are actually pinko-grey. Still, Fielding manages to remain friendly with the men at the English club while also socializing with Indians. Aziz arrives at Fieldings for tea as Fielding is dressing. Though the two men have neer met, they treat each other informally, which delights Aziz. Fielding breaks the collar stud for his shirt, but Aziz quickly removes his own and gives it to Fielding.The relations be tween the two men sour only briefly when Aziz misinterprets Fieldings dismissive comment about a new school of painting to be dismissive of Aziz himself. Aziz is disappointed when Mrs.Moore and Adela arrive, as their presence upsets the intimacy of his conversation with Fielding. The party continues to be informal, though, even with the women present. Aziz feels comfortable addressing the women as he would address men, as Mrs. Moore is so elderly and Adela so plain looking. The ladies are disappointed and confused because the Bhattacharyas never sent their carriage this morning as promised. Adela pronounces it a mystery, but Mrs. Moore disagreesmysteries she likes, but this is a muddle. Fielding pronounces all India a muddle.Aziz denounces the rudeness of the Hindu Bhattacharyas and invites the women to his own house. To Azizs horror, Adela takes his invitation literally and asks for his address. Aziz is ashamed of his shabby residence and distracts Adela with commentary on Indian architecture. Fielding knows that Aziz has some historical facts wrong, but Fielding does not correct Aziz as other Englishmen would have. At the moment Fielding recognizes truth of mood over truth of fact. The last of Fieldings guests, the Hindu professor Godbole, arrives.Aziz asks Adela if she plans to settle in India, to which Adela spontaneously responds that she cannot. Adela then ca-cas that, in making this admission, she has essentially told strangers that she will not marry Ronny before she has even told Ronny so herself. Adelas words fluster Mrs. Moore. Fielding then takes Mrs. Moore on a tour of the college grounds. Adela again mentions the prospect of visiting Azizs house, but Aziz invites her to the Marabar Caves instead. Aziz attempts to describe the caves, but it becomes clear that Aziz has never seen them.Godbole has been to the caves, but he does not adequately describe why they are extraordinary in fact, Aziz senses that Godbole is holding back information. Suddenl y, Ronny arrives to take Adela and his mother to a polo match at the club. Ronny ignores the Indians. Aziz becomes high-keyed and overly intimate in reaction to Ronnys rude interruption. Fielding reappears, and Ronny privately scolds him for leaving Adela alone with Indians. Before the ladies leave, Godbole sings an odd-sounding Hindu song in which the singer asks God to come to her, but God refuses.In her ignorance, Adela regarded Aziz as India, and never surmised that his outlook was limited and his method inaccurate, and that no one is India. (See Important Quotations Explained) Summary Chapter viii Driving away from Fieldings, Adela expresses annoyance at Ronnys rudeness. Adela mentions Azizs invitation to the Marabar Caves, but Ronny immediately forbids the women to go. Ronny mentions Azizs unpinned collar as an example of Indians general omission to detail. Mrs. Moore, tired of bickering, asks to be dropped off at home.Adela feels emergently ashamed of telling those at the tea party of her intention to leave India. After the polo match at the club, Adela quietly tells Ronny that she has decided not to marry him. Ronny is disappointed, but he agrees to remain friends with her. Adela sees a green bird and asks Ronny what type of bird it is. Ronny does not know, which confirms Adelas relish that nothing in India is identifiable. Ronny and Adela begin to feel lonely and useless in their surround they suddenly feel they share more similarities than differences.The Nawab Bahadur happens by and offers Ronny and Adela a ride in his automobile. Riding in the back seat, the two feel dwarfed by the dark night and expansive landscape surrounding them. Their hands accidentally touch, and they feel an animalistic thrill. The car mysteriously breaks down on a road outside the city. They all climb out and determine that the car must have hit something, probably a hyena. After a short while, Miss Derek drives past them offers them a ride back to Chandrapore. Drivin g back to Chandrapore, Miss Derek jokes about her employer, an Indian noblewoman.Ronny and Adela feel drawn together by their shared distaste for Miss Dereks crass manner and for the Nawabs polite but long-winded speeches. When Adela and Ronny arrive back at the bungalow, Adela says that she would like to marry Ronny after all. He agrees. Adela, however, immediately feels a sense of disappointment, believing she will now be labeled the same as all the other married Englishwomen in India. They go inside and tell Mrs. Moore of their plans. Adela begins to feel more pleasant, joining Ronny in poking recreation at the Nawab Bahadur.When Ronny and Adela tell Mrs.Moore of the strange car accident, the older woman shivers and claims that the car must have hit a ghost. Meanwhile, down in the city of Chandrapore, the Nawab Bahadur describes the accident to others. He explains that it took place near the site where he ran over and killed a drunken man nine years ago. The Nawab Bahadur insi sts that the dead man caused the accident that occurred this evening. Aziz is skeptical, however, and feels that Indians should not be so superstitious. Analysis Chapters VIIVIII Though Fielding himself disregards racial boundaries, his tea party does not quite develop into a successful version of the Bridge Party.Aziz and Adela both appear overexcited during the tea, while Mrs. Moore and Professor Godbole remain withdrawn from the others chatter. The sudden cultural interaction carries Adela away and convinces her, almost subconsciously, that she cannot remain in India and become a wife at the clubprompting the spontaneous admission that upsets Mrs. Moore. The tea sours when Ronny arrives, though his rudeness appears only to bring out tautnesss that already existed. Aziz becomes grotesquely overfamiliar, Adela blames herself and Ronny, Fielding becomes annoyed, and Mrs. Moore becomes spiritually drained by Godboles Hindu song.The tea party is further disturbed by a disparity betwe en what Forster calls truth of fact and truth of mood. Thus far in A Passage to India, we have seen that the Indian characters often tend to say one thing when they mean another. Forster presents this tendency as problematic only for the English, among whom words are taken at face value. Indians appear skilled at identifying the undertonesthe unspoken elementsof a conversation. Indeed, we see that Aziz recognizes from tone, rather than words, that Godbole is withholding information from his description of the Marabar Caves.Moreover, when Aziz invites Mrs. Moore and Adela to his house, the mood of his questionhis sincere nip of goodwill and hospitality to the Englishwomenis all that Aziz means to convey. Adela, however, takes the invitation literally and asks for Azizs address. The misunderstanding makes Aziz uncomfortable, as he is in fact embarrassed about the appearance of his home. Fielding, too, reacts negatively to Adelas literal-mindedness. This disconnect between cultural u ses of language is an important division between the English and Indians in the novel.Forster explores another divide between the English and Indian cultures through the idea of naming or labeling. If the English in the novel always say exactly what they mean, they also are quick to attach name calling or labels to objects and people around them. When Adela and Ronny sit together at the club, Adela wonders aloud what kind of bird sits on the tree above them. Ronny does not know, which depresses Adela even more meanwhile, the narrator notes that nothing is identifiable in India, as things disappear or change before one can name them.The British in India realize that with the ability to name or label things comes power. It is for this reason that Fieldings remark that whites are really pinko-grey upsets the men at the club by deflating labels like white and brown, Fielding implicitly challenges the assertive naming and labeling power of the English in India. If white really only refer s to skin tonerather than also connoting superiority, advanced religion, technology, and moralitythen whites have no inherent right to rule India. Adelas conflicted view of naming or labeling constitutes a major tension within her character.On the one hand, Adela recognizes that the ability to label gives one poweror, as she might say, a purpose or place in the world. Indias resistance to identification, symbolized by the nameless green bird, challenges Adelas sense of individuality. On the other hand, Adela realizes that being on the receiving end of a label can leave one powerless. It is for this reason that she remains resistant to marrying Ronny, knowing that she will be labeled an Englishwoman in Indiaa club wifeand that her behavior will be restricted accordingly.When Adela feels her individuality challenged by Indias resistance to identification, she seems more likely to turn to Ronny for marriage yet, when she recognizes the tyranny of labels like Englishwoman in India, she feels reluctant to marry Ronny. We see in these chapters that the natural environment of India has a direct effect on Ronny and Adelas engagement. As soon as Adela tells Ronny she does not want to become engaged, their surroundings begin to overwhelm them, making them feel like lonely, sensual beings who share more similarities than differences.In particular, they feel that the night gear swallows them during their ride with the Nawab Bahadur. The sky makes Ronny and Adela feel indistinct as individuals, suddenly part of a larger mass that is somehow fundamentally united. Therefore, when their hands touch accidentally in the car, both Ronny and Adela are attuned to the animalistic thrill of sensuality. Their experience under the engulfing Indian sky draws Ronny and Adela together, forcing them to assert themselves as important, distinct individuals through a commitment to each other.Furthermore, the social environment of Indiathe Indians who surround Ronny and Adelacontributes to t his shift in perspective in the couples relationship, their new feeling that they are more alike than different. Specifically, Ronny and Adela feel a bond through their shared distaste for Miss Derek and the Nawab Bahadura bond that leads Adela to suddenly reverse her decision and renew her engagement to Ronny. In this regard, Forster implies that the join of marriage requires a third presence, against which husband and wife can define themselves as similar.Indeed, after announcing their renewed engagement, Adela shows her openness to her future with Ronny through her willingness to make fun of the Nawab Bahadur with him. While Ronny and Adela feel a sense of unity against the muddle that is India, we see Mrs. Moore grow even more spiritually attuned to the minds of Indians. First Mrs. Moore appears to be most aligned with the religious figure of Professor Godbole. Godboles song, in which God is called but does not come, profoundly affects Mrs. Moore, deepening her sense of separat ion from her Christian God.Then, when Ronny and Adela tell Mrs.Moore of their car accident with Nawab Bahadur, the elder woman strongly feels that a ghost caused the accident. Though Ronny and Adela ignore Mrs. Moore, we learn a short while subsequently that the Nawab Bahadur, too, suspects that a ghost caused the accidentthe ghost of the drunken man that he ran over nine years ago near the same spot. While Ronny and Adela begin to segregate themselves from the social and natural landscape that surrounds them, Mrs. Moore surrenders to the overwhelming presence and mysticism she feels in India, attuning herself to a sort of collective psyche of the land she is visiting.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
To Kill a Mocking Bird
In harpist Lees To Kill a Mocking Bird, genus genus genus Atticus Finch possesses many characteristics that shape him as a man, a lawyer and a father. Atticus is a wise man, devoted to justice and equality, and who feels it is his duty to live his public deport handst as he does his private life. Atticus is also a very honest and loving father who has nothing be quiet the best intentions for his children, Sc kayoed and Jem. Atticus is devoted to chargeting his legal profession in comportment his self-image, or public perception, and is able to realize that the individual worth of a man without incorporating physical appearances.All the positive characteristics Atticus Finch possesses contri merelye to the reason wherefore he is very respected and liked by more or less of the community of Macomb County as well(p) as his family and close friends. Atticus living his public life as he does his private life defines what he stands for and holds a duty he feels is important for him to fulfill as a man. When Atticus and Sherriff Heck Tate discuss what caused go after Ewells death the night he attacked Jem and observe, the Sheriff tells Atticus that track killed himself when he fell on his knife.However, Atticus does not believe Heck and he believes that Jem killed Bob and tells Heck Tate If they detective and Jem discover me saying downtown something different happened-Heck I wont have them anymore. I cant live one re setation in town and another way in my home. (367) This quote shows Atticus is willing and devoted to make any sacrifice to live an honest and unconcealed life including letting the public know, Jem killed Bob Ewell.Atticus always tries to be the best father he can by trying to get his kids to notice and appreciate all of the good things that argon present in the world horizontal in such a prejudice and discriminatory town such as Maycomb during the 1930s. When Atticus and Jem are talking somewhat the recently deceased Mrs. Dubose, Att icus tells Jem. Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It is knowing youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it by dint of no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. (149) By telling this to Jem Atticus taught Jem an important life lesson.He taught Jem mastery is not always about winning, but instead just trying to fight for a good cause. Atticus believed you were successful if you fought for a good cause, even if you failed. Atticus is committed to always doing the right thing when it comes to his profession whether it means he will be risking his reputation or even his life. This trait of Atticus is clearly demonstrated when Scout questions Atticus about the turkey cock Robinson case and says, Atticus, are we outlet to win it and he replies No, honey which leads to her question Then why- (101).Atticus is disclosure to Scout that even though he has more to lose than to gain out of this situation he is accepting of that because he is doin g what his conscience is telling him is the noble, bonnie thing to do, and he is trying to ignore all the negative influences that appears to him in Maycomb County. This is also revealed when Atticus is comforting Tom from a group of dangerous workforce who are looking for revenge outside the jail. Atticus holds them off and risks his own safety to protect Tom because he k unfermented Tom did not deserve what those men outside the jail were looking to do to him that night. Atticus is a humble, honest and devoted man.He is one of the few people in society who puts the needs of others before himself. By sharing the characteristics he acquired over many years with his children he is supporting them with the foundation to living a morally good life fit to the standards of what they believe is right and wrong and not what it is made out to be by society. By sharing his knowledge and skills as a lawyer with those who are wrongfully convicted he is establishing justice in those parts i n which justice seems not to exist. Atticus Finch is a man of good moral who sets a faultless example for those who are looking for a role model, a hero, and a loving father.To kill a mocking birdTo Kill a jeerer Courage cannot be defined with simple words but rather by an individuals actions. Despite many different commentarys braveness is someones internal fortitude to do something that may frighten others. In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, stones explanation of courage changes from the beginning to the end of the book. At the beginning of the book treasures definition of courage is from an innocent perspective and by the end of the book Gem has an experienced definition of courage.Gem learns the lea definition of courage from it being demonstrated in his everyday life in Macomb. At the beginning of Harper Lees , To Kill a Mockingbird Gem shows a naive, innocent spot of courage because of his fears. dill dears Gem to touch the Raddled house, which has always been on e of his worst fears. Gem displays courage by touching the Raddled and hides his angst when reporting back to Dill and Scout. Gem dreads touching the Raddled house only because of his scary childlike imagination. Lee writes,Gem threw open the gate and sped to the side of the house, slapped it with is alma and ran back past us(118).Gems courage comes into play when he is told to do something he terrifies by his peers. Gem continues to demonstrate an innocent perspective of courage in the early part of the novel. Gem still has an inexperienced view of courage because he is still at a youth and is immature to his surroundings. Gems youthful imagination forms ideas to get in contact with the appall Boo Raddled. He decides to put a note on a fishing pole and stick it threw the Raddled window. The note was asking Boo out for ice cream, so the children can meet him.Harper Lee says, Were asking him real politely to come out sometimes, and tell us what he does in at that place we said we wouldnt hurt him and wed buy him an ice cream (62). Gems perspective of courage is slowly starting to advance because he was scared to death when he firstborn went on the Raddled property. Gem demonstrates an innocent perspective on courage by engaging in childish games but he begins to learn the real view of courage by witnessing his dad in action. Gem believes Tactics doesnt have courage until he shoots the Mad bounder to save the community from harm, UT Gems view is still a naive one.The Mad Dog is beginning to approach in the distance when Officer Heck Tate throws Tactics the gun. Tactics takes the gun and walks to the nitty-gritty of the street showing no hesitation. Even though Tactics hasnt shot a gun in 30 years he kills Mad Dog with a single shot showing an outrageous amount of courage. Lee states, In the fog, Gem watched our father take the gun and walk out into the spirit of the street (127). Tactics has an abundant amount of courage, even to something that he hasnt d one in 30 years. Although Gem thinksTactics shooting the dog is courageous, he learns the real definition through the actions of Mrs.. Dubos. Gems adult definition of courage is beginning to form from experience in the Macomb community. Gem learns the real definition of courage from Mrs.. Dubos who was a recovering morphia addict . Mrs.. Dubos makes a goal for herself to die free of her weakness. She dies UN-addicted to morphine and she is Gems real definition of courage. Harper Lee says, When you are licked before you begin but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what (119).Mrs.. Doubles fight exemplifies to Gem, no matter how hard something looks to never give up. Mrs.. Dubos didnt give up on her morphine addiction and came out on top. Mrs.. Debase teaches Gem the true definition of courage, and Gem does a fantastic Job exemplifying it in front of the courthouse. Gem is beginning to have an experienced adult like sense of courage. In front of the courthouse Tactics is si tting one night and the mob shows up asking to see Tom Robinson. Gem and the kids run to Tactics because they knew his life is in danger.Tactics tells the kids to leave and Gem shows an extraordinary amount of courage saying that he wasnt leaving. A mob member grabbers Gem telling Tactics he will make him leave. Scout stares kicking the man in the shins and eventually put Gem down. Gem still refuses to leave his father and tells him we are staying. Lee says Tactics stood trying to make Gem mind him. I ant going was his steady answer to Attics threat request and finally please take them home Gem (204). Gem not leaving his fathers side until the mob deceased person shows how courageous Gem is becoming.Gem demonstrates an innocent perspective on courage by engaging in childish games, but he begins to learn the real view of courage witnessing his dad in action. Gem is beginning to demonstrate a more experienced sense of courage, from confronting the mob to saving Scout from Bob Lowell. Although Gem previously had a naive perspective of courage he now has a more experienced and adult like sense of courage. Gem and Scout are attacked when walking home from the H willeen play. Gem pushes Bob Lowell off of Scout saving her from any serious injuries.If Gem didnt push Bob Lowell off of Scout then he would eve mostly likely stabbed and killed her. Gem Jumped in and freed Scout from being harmed potentially in any way. Harper Lee states, His behave was soft but his arms were like steel. He slowly squeezed the breath out of me. I could not move. Suddenly he Jerked me back and forth to the ground, most carrying me with him (351). Gem will not let Bob Lowell hurt his little sister in anyway so he does everything in his power to protect her from being injured. After Gem learns the real actions of courage and has an experienced view he saves Scout from Bob Lowell.To Kill a Mocking BirdHarper Lees To kill a flouter was written to portray the racism and the moral conscience of the mind within society. It is set in the 1930s which is after the Great Depression and a starting movement for the Civil Rights fight in the the States. The novel was written in the 1960s portraying the popular contextual issues of racism existed then and even now. Lee uses multiple tale techniques to explore the major inequality and injustice of life but also allow the audience to know that these contextual ideas and issues can be broken and change.Maycomb is set up by Lee to reflect the racism of society as well as its injustice and inequality that many black men and women faced in the 1930s 1960s. Tom Robinson, an African American that has been created by Lee to rick the symbol of the injustice and inequality of Maycomb. The town ceases to acknowledge the equality and justice of life and conform to racism like most towns and countries at the time. The handful of people in this town who say that fair play is not marked White Only Lees use of innuendo portrays Maycomb as a n imbruted town, with racism mixed within their everyday lives and the racial inequalities that are given to all African American. Lees uses of dialogues distinguish the racial requisition surrounded by the livid and black people of Maycomb and the social class that they are categorised as. Harper Lee shows the juxtaposition of the two different rushs by portraying it through their dialogues, this is most effectively shown through the court scene when Tom Robinson was being crossed examine by Mr Gilmer.Tom answers always start with Yes, sir whereas Mr Gilmer refers to him as a boy, this use of slang juxtaposes to the formal high classed words of Toms which conveyed the audience the contrast between a white and black American and suggests that a white skinned person is not any better than an African American. The juxtaposition also allowed the readers to sympathised with Tom Robinson and feel outraged as Tom is being called a boy.Emphasising the racial segregation of the 1930s w hen the Great Depression drove fear into the white people and made them believe that the African Americans are taking over their jobs. Symbols are also used to convey the audience about the racial injustice and inequality that life has created. A mockingbird has been killed when Tom was convicted and shot in jail the symbolism of a mockingbird is Harper Lees representation of an innocent, kind hearted being and a sin is put upon the white racist people of Maycomb. Another ymbolism is the tubby inside the Finches house, when Scout wanted to crushed it, Jem told her They dont bother you the assonance of the letter o echoes an saintlike sound, this also symbolises Tom Robinson as he doesnt bother anyone but due to his skin colour he is treated differently, just like the roly-poly in Scouts room, it cant help itself but be who it is. The use of these symbols throughout the novel creates a record motif, highlighting that the nature is harmonised and peaceful in its own way. These symb ols and motifs effectively highlight the racism of society and its influences on the injustice of life.The trial of Tom Robinson resonate the injustice that most African American suffered in the USA in 1930s. The justice system that said to give all men of all race in the USA fair justice fail to do its job and was shown through the jury and the racial inequality that they gave Tom Robinson. When its a white mans words against a black mans, the white man always wins Lees use of repetition of the word white and man supercharge emphasises the injustice of the social order and also allows the audience to experience and be able to feel the empathy for the African American.The white jury symbolises the injustice and racial inequality prejudice that has been created for the society. Though Atticus had proved to the jury that Tom was innocent and the evidences are undeniable, they still convicted Tom as guilty though inside, they know its them that are guilty. The oxymoron, They couldnt b e fair if they tried holds a contradictory thought, suggesting that racism has been weaved into the fabric of the town and the justice system hence the men couldnt be fair.Even though the town is contaminated with its injustice and racism, Lee still allows some hope to shine. The character Atticus is an example of this. Lee portrays Atticus throughout the novel as a responsible father, a fine citizen and the most compassionate person within the small town. The shadow of a new beginning this metaphor said by Atticus allows Lee to reflect the society of 1960s and even todays society. The use of shadow suggests that a new beginning is approaching because shadows are always connected to its owner and it is always nearby.This also shows that Atticus has the most moral within Maycomb and that with his teachings, Jem and Scout would be able to be the new generation of hope that would stop the segregation. Lee uses the character developments of Scout to present the innocence and pure though ts of a child in contrast to the growing up Jem who is starting to learn the way life works and that it is classified. Theres four kinds of folks in the world. Jem the quote suggests the segregation and its inequality as to how people are categorised and divided, this is all due to the racism and social inequality.However, Scout said I think theres just one kind of folks. Folks. this quote shows the naive thinking and an innocent perspective of a child, helping Lee to convey to the audience that life is not always that easy, but there are some sparks of hope for the racist and injustice society of the USA. Harper Lee was able to display the segregation of race and the injustice of life through To kill a mocking bird shows that the moral conscience is the most important aspects a human can possess.Atticus, usual contextual issues To kill a mocking bird represents the racism that everyday lives hold. Harper Lee showed the contextual issues within society through multiple uses of n arrative techniques. Racism, the injustice of society and the humans * Tom Robinson, a black man becomes the victim of racial inequality as he was accused by Bob Ewell, a white trash, of a crime that he did not commit. Harper Lees To kill a mocking bird represents
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The Muse Of A Nurse In 1916 –
It was going to be an ordinary afternoon, the 7th of July 191 6_ Ever since It was declared that war had begun on the 28th of July, the whole country had been busting and screaming at the thought of the combat. Most men were Jumping at the idea of volunteering, bragging about their strength and how it volition all end by Christmas. I would have liked to have thought that, but I simply didnt have the luxury. My father was 47 excessively old to be enlisted. He was married anyway, so he couldnt.The war had been on-going for little less than 2 years. A letter came through the post this break of day addressed to me, but I had neglected to read It, as I had to be at the local hospital to tend to some accidents that had occurred on the railway. By the time I got back, I was itching to read it. I had to do chores first, however, before I could even look at the letter. Ironing, feeding the chickens and pigs, pulling up the potatoes, checking Jimmy hasnt grazed his knees alling out of the t ree and then cleaning out the hay in the stables.It took about three hours, which was infuriating. To top it all off, Jimmy insisted on getting yet another demonstration on how to climb the oak tree. Hes only 9, bless him, and he Just cant seem to get the decrease of keeping the strength in his arms and wrists. Jimmy, I dont really want to do this right now I told him, trying to pry him off my hip. He was about half my size, since hes 9 and Im 23.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Array Paper
Programming Solution Segments in Wooden Ring or Bowl atomic public figure 53 of the clubs that I belong to is the Savannah River Wood turners Association. We meet once a month in a friends shop down the road from where I live, and we normally have guest speakers refund a presentation on aspects of wood turning. Last weekend we had a gentleman from Atlanta teach a session on segmented wood turning. Segmented turning is a type of wood turning that involves gluing together hundreds of segments to make a partingicular shape that you would then refine on a DOD lathe.It is a very time consuming and complicated endeavor sometimes, and the thought of a chopine to help with the maths seemed like a great idea. The personnel involved in the project is mainly myself, but also some of the other members from the group. The aim is to be fit to input the amount of segments that you would want to use in a ring and then determine the angle at which you must cut the sides of the segments. It would also be great if the program could output the length of each segment based on the diameter of the bowl.I say bowl loosely, building a blank with segments is commonly done so that they form a ring. The final shape could be anything, but for this program it testament be a bowl. In terms of the maturation cycle, the program will be built in five stages. The first part I am doing right now by writing this paper, this part is the analysis of the problem. The second will be the general design of the program itself. I will flesh out all of the details about input/output, what variables will be used, whatever math will be involved in the next paper.The third stage is the coding stage in which I will create a Visual Logic executable that runs the program. The fourth and fifth stage will be testing and maintenance. I suppose that I will actually test out the program by attempting to use the results that I get by creating a segmented wood blank. I will then put it on the lathe and inc lude pictures in my final paper, as long as time permits. Turning can be a mute or fast process, and with segmented turning going fast is really not an option.Taking a modular approach will be somewhat authorized in the context of this reject. By using modules to separate all of the math from the input and output, it should make the academicals Logic flow chart easier to understand. The math involved in determining the dimensions of each segment is not that complicated in reality, but to me it might as well be ancient Egyptian. Luckily, I have piece multiple websites and even other programs to guide me in making this. The first thing the program will do is ask the user what it wants to do.I saw that in the next paper we are required to use a selection statement, and I intend to use an if else, or maybe even a temporary hookup loop to create a main menu for the program. From the desired diameter of the bowl in centimeters or they will choose to exit the program. The exact run aw ay of this menu is still up in the air, and as I move into more detailed design and math I will figure it out. The number of segments will be store in a variable. This variable will then be dissever into 360, then divided by 2. This will give the angle to cut the pieces at.In reality the user would have to understand to cut the segments at this angle on both ides facing inwards, but that may be another variable I can output. Next the user will input the desired diameter of the ring in centimeters, this will also be stored in a variable, which will then be multiplied by 3. 14. I will add a third variable called the fudge factor, this is intercourse to the thickness of the segments and gives the user some flexibility in design and cutting. This number will be added to the circumference of the ring, and then the circumference will be divided by the number of segments.The final output will be the length of each segment, and the angle to cut at. Overall I hope to create a program that will aide in the math involved in this process, and one that I will be able to share with my friends. This type of woodwork is a lot of fun, but for those of us that are not so math inclined it can become frustrating. Accuracy is of the utmost importance, and hopefully this program will help me achieve it. I think this will be a lot of fun. References Segmented
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Budgetary control Essay
Nowadays managements philosophy revolves around the idea of proposalning. According to McKinsey (1922), chief executives read put in to the realization that todays task locoweed only be properly fulfilled thanks to the meticulous planning of yesterday. The work outary reserve framework has been openly accepted and widespread as a tool for management and overall organisation harbour. Nonetheless, recent evolutions in the managerial sciences have come to jeopardise the reliability of bud poping as an egressive method for the suppress of per jumpance and organisation.The concern of whether budgeting is in event an apt tool has created mixed views and debate amongst scholars. This turn up will aim to treasure whether budgetary dominate is concerned primarily with the assure of per bodance, or if it has of late taken on greater importance particularly as a more integrative control mechanism for the organisation. In order to do so it will firstly define the meaning of dic kens fundamental concepts such(prenominal)(prenominal) as budget and budgetary control.Secondly it will evaluate the use of budgetary control as a tool for todays organization. Thirdly it will follow debates and criticisms on its the effectiveness and use and Lastly it will conclude by assessing to what extent budgetary control has plough a more integrative control mechanism for organisations. The work of spot specialists in management such as Bhimani, Otley, Van der Stede and McWatters, will be displace on in order to cover the bring out issues of the discussion.Before commencing on a discussion of budgetary control, it is immanent to clarify and define the devil key terms that will be used in this essay budget and budgetary control. On the one hand, as defined by Bhimani et al. (2008) a budget is a quantitative expression of a proposed plan of action by management for future time period and it is an aid to coordination and implementation of the plan. On the same line McWatter s et al.(2008) highlights the importance of budgets as a planning control frame for a company, which translate organisational objectives into financial terms. Drury (2009) exemplifies the many different purposes that budgets serve, such as coordinating activities, conveying various arrangements to different responsibility centres, musical arrangement and controlling operations, motivating employees to attain organisational objectives and assessing the execution of managers.According to Johnson (1996), it was in the 1960s that associations started to passing regard the utilization of budgets as tools for performance measurement and the control of managerial objectives. On the another(prenominal) hand, budgetary control is described by Periasamy (2010) as a system of controlling costs which includes the preparation of budgets, coordinating the plane section and establishing responsibilities, comparing actual performance with the budgeted and acting upon results to achieve maximum profitability.A similar, merely more formal, definition of budgetary control is given by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants of England and Wales (CIMA) the establishment of budgets relating to the responsibilities of executives to the requirement of a policy and the continuous par of actual with the budgeted results, either to secure by individual actions the objectives of policy or to provide a basis for its revision. There are two master(prenominal) purposes of budgets which scholars have identified planning and controlling.The first purpose, which McWatters et al. (2008) discusses, is that budgets have a fundamental role in undertaking planning decisions. In fact, the integration of budgets into a strategical planning of long term and short-term objectives is crucial to the harmony of the project itself. This claim can be explained by Bhimani et al. (2008) who proposes that, budgets provide a more practical view on the possible outcomes of investments, which consequently leads managers to adjust their strategic goals accordingly.To put it another way, when a company wants to match its potentials suitably with the prospects of the marketplace, it undertakes a strategic compend to then set several long-run and short-run goals. On this basis a budget is formulated. However, as stated before, once the budget that has been formulated projects a more realistic view on the strategic objectives, these strategic objectives are then readjusted once again. The second purpose that Emmanuel et al.(1990) discusses is to do with budgets as a form of control and a tool for monitoring a companys performance. McWatters et al. (2008) describe this belong by outlining the idea that budgets are frequently used to plead responsibilities by allocating resources to different managers. A budget may be given with more or less flexibility, for example by assigning a largish sum of money for advertising to be used at the managers discretion, or by highlightin g the different ways that this money should be used.The optional flexibility of budgets allows for a company to give the adequate level of responsibility to its employees and thus the organisation is able to maintain a level of control. McWatters et al. (2008) further elaborates on the function of budgeting for control by suggesting that the numbers in a budget are also used as goals to motivate organisational members. This motivational aspect of budgeting can be explained by Bhimani et al (2008) who states that the manner in which a budget is administered can adversely impact on the managers behaviour.A manager must consider that the budget is achievable in order to actively attempt to pursue it, Bhimani et al (2008) adds that through the constraints and goals set by budgeting targets, managers are often motivated to effect changes in a forceful way. The way that a budget is formulated, and the demands and pressures that it targets are key in encouraging the right degree of motivat ion, an enterprise can set a difficult to attain budget in an attempt to motivate good performance.This is because, in practice, budgets that are set up to a accepted degree of tightness often become stronger motivators (Bhimani et al. , 2008). A final point to consider with the role of budgetary control is the function that it plays in enhancing communication inwardly a company. Internal coordination between the steps of production , as comfortably as communication among departments are key aspects for a companys performance. Dury (2009) states that the budget serves as a vehicle through which the actions of the different parts of an organisation can be brought together and reconciled into one common plan.Hence, hierarchal and inter-departmental communication within the organisation is extremely facilitated thanks to the use of budgets. For instance, considering a multinational corporation that, due to its size, has difficulties in communicating between the production departmen t and the sales department, budgets could in this circumstance be the most operational manner of communicating, as they set common goals between different departments. As it is clear form the paragraphs above, the controlling side of budgets play a stronger role than the planning aspect.An example that instead criticise this view can be found in the strategic planning of investments. Maximising performance of a company can be synonymous for maximising the shareholders value. Akintoye (2008) argues that equality in investment decisions are fairly restricted on the solidity of the budgetary control system, which in turn is key to maximise the companys shareholders value. Therefore, it is arguable that a weak budgetary control system may be the cause of unprofitable investments and consequently may trigger the loss of shareholders value (Akintoye, 2008).There are many examples that reflect this issue, such as one reported by the European Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science where the Coca-Cola Company, with the purpose of differentiating production, failed miserably in their investment on food and wine in that the investment rate of return resulted to be beneath their cost of capital. The tremendous loss of money caused by this investment and other failures of this type grab the attention of scholars, raising questions on the salience of the budgetary control system, as well as whether budgets are mainly used to control or plan organisations.Other criticisms towards budgetary control as a main form of performance control, argue instead that the use of budgetary control in performance management has of late taken on greater importance especially as a more integrative control mechanism for the organisation. This stands on the basis of different points of view of the role that motivation and communication play within a company. Bhimani et al. (2008) argues that current speculation concerning budgetary control systems prescribes two inverse perspe ctives.From one perspective, there is the view that upholds incremental change to budgetary process in terms of interfacing such forms more closely to operational prerequisites, arranging frameworks, expanding the recurrence of plan amendment and the arrangement of rolling budgets. A second perspective supports the abandoning of the budgetary control system as a method of organisational control, and supplanting it with elective course systems to empower firms on their adaptability and adjustability. The second perspective arose because of the consequences caused by the betrothalual role of budgets between planning and controlling.To summarize in planning and settling choices, budgets convey work learning between different departments and hierarchy of the organisation, whereas for control, budgets serve as benchmarks for performance measurement (Otley, 1978). According to McWatters et al. (2008) if too many boundaries are placed into performance targets, then specialised executiv es will settle down and stop disclosing accurate predictions of prospected occurrences, and instead rely more on budgeted figures, which ease the achievement of the targets. A clear example of this conflict is given by the marketing sector.Salespeople according to McWatters et al. (2008) are usually truly specialised and can very well forecast future sales. Their predictions are very important to settle the amount of goods to be produced. Inasmuch budgetary control of sales takes place at the end of the year, and it is used as a tool to evaluate performance. Salespeople are reasonably incentivised to under-forecast future sales in order to assure a positive evaluation of their performance. Nevertheless this behaviour induces the company to have high production costs, creating counterproductive results.However, this behavioural theory is contrasted by Van der Stede (2000) in his study on the relationship between two consequences of budgetary control relax creation and managerial s hort-term orientation. In his experiment he attempts to find the relationship between rigid budgetary control and falloff creation, where he defines slack as the action by business unit managers that leads them to exploit their position of superior knowledge about business possibilities vis-a-vis corporate management to get performance targets that are deliberately lower than their best guess forecast about the future (lukka, 1988).Van der Stedes (2008) statistical correlation showed in fact that rigid budget control reduced slack. To strengthen his view, Bhimani et al. (2008) states that budgeted performance measures can overcome two keys limitations of using past performance as basis for legal opinion actual result, meaning that, not only budgetary control is a good judge of performance, but it also develops better aspects in affinity to other evaluation techniques. In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the role of budgetary control and its functions in terms of planning t he organisational control of a company, as well as its role in performance management.Motivation and communication are both key aspects in the management of performance, and both of these functions are met through the system of budgetary control, either by setting achievable incentives, or by providing the necessary requirements to reform communications within a company. Having underlined the role of budgetary control as an enhancer of performance management, it is clear to see how it has become a key mechanism for the integrative control of an organisation. Nonetheless, this essay has outlined some of the key disputes of the reliability and effectiveness of budgetary control as an adequate method of performance management.An example of this is highlighted by the fact that when managers are given strict budgeting figures, they sometimes deem the goals to be too easily achieved, and hence give a lesser input of motivation. Despite the many critics of budgetary control as a tool for the organisation of a company, scholars such as Van der Stede (2000) and Bhimani et al. (2008) have confidently stated that when a budget is set correctly, it can significantly improve an organisations performance, including the integrative function within a company and is in fact a more effective tool than other existing methods of control.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Pueblo Revolt of 1680
The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, also known as pontiffs Rebellion, was the rebellion of the Pueblo people toward the Spaniards. The Pueblo people were lead by a medicine troops named pope. (A medicine man is a man believed to be able to heal others by making use of supernatural powers, especially among Native North American peoples. ) Pope belonged to the Tewa tribe. He was originally from San Juan but was forced to take refuge in Taos because it became too dangerous for him to stay.Popes objective was to restore the tradition of Pueblo religion and culture. August 1680 Pope held a meeting with some Pueblo Indians to go over the details of their plan. The plan was to eliminate all Spanish influences. He also declared that everything that had to do with Christianity had to be either broken or burned. This included pictures of holy Christ, the Virgin Mary, crosses, ECT.The plan was to take place on August 11, 1680 but someone told of their plans so Pope decided to start the revolt a day ea rly, August 10. On August 24 the Spaniards had lost the war. About four-hundred people were killed. The Pueblo peoples ascension was a success. In celebration they destroyed Spanish buildings and burned their churches. Within the next ten years the Pueblo people returned to their homes and continued their traditional way of life.Most of the Spanish that was in New Mexico moved to El Paso. In 1690 Pope (means Ripe Pumpkin) died. In 1691 a new governor was appointed, General come in Diego de Vargas. He led the victory over the Pueblo people and reappointed Spanish authority. In the 1692 General Don Diego de Vargas inscribed on a rock Here was the General Don Diego de Vargas, who conquered for our Holy Faith, and for the Royal Crown, all the New Mexico, at his expense, Year of 1692
Power Control Theory
In this paper I will disclose my family environment based on Hagans Power- Control Theory, I will explain paternalistic and classless families and which doings my family is affected by. When comparing Hagans Power-Control Theory an individual wonders about their environment and how it affects there family. Hagan created a critical feminist model that used gender differences to explain the onset of criminology (Siegel, Criminology The Core, quaternate fluctuation , 2011).His heap described crime and delinquency rates with two factors class set the power and family functions the control (Siegel, Criminology The Core, after part Edition , 2011). My family environment is almost different from most. In my household I would say our class position is a mix between under and middle class. The breadwinner within my house is my amaze meaning Im in a single-p atomic number 18nt household. I come from a very strong family oriented ring and my values and belief has carried on from when I was a child to now. Even though Im in a single parent household family members were always there to help if help was needed.I was blessed with the luxury of my mother and father providing me with everything I ever needed whether they were together or not. They ease up always supported my decisions whether right or wrong. I believe that even though I was in a single-parent household my mother gave plenty of ground rules and responsibilities to follow. I never steered into deviant or cerise behavior I always had and still pay off love and support from my family no matter what. paternal families are the families in which a father takes the traditional role being the breadwinner (Siegel, Criminology The Core, Fourth Edition , 2011).The mother on the other hand remains home and does the domestic labor of cooking and cleaning. Young boys ripening up in households like this ex bleed to often steer out of control because they have to a greater extent than freedom and less parenting . Young girls are less likely to steer out of control because they have the view of what there mother does and that often influences them to be obedient in a way. Egalitarian families are when a mother and father share similar roles and positions of power within the household and workplace (Siegel, Criminology The Core, Fourth Edition , 2011).Young girls have more freedom and lack parental control they violate police force and often their behavior reflects on younger siblings. Hagan believed that young girls engage in adult status behavior rather than deviant (Siegel, Criminology The Core, Fourth Edition , 2011). Hagan also suggested that single parent household children are more likely to deviate and have bad behavior due to an absent father (Siegel, Criminology The Core, Fourth Edition , 2011). I believe that some of what Hagan suggested is true on the other hand because I come from an egalitarian family I think other wise.I believe being in a single-parent household you tend to have more responsibility especially when other siblings are involved. Being an older sibling to tend to want to be that role model for your young brothers and sisters in a positive way you never want them to deviate or steer out of control and go on a ostracize path. When comparing Hagans Power-Control Theory an individual wonders about their environment and how it affects there family. As you can bring in the Power-Control Theory Hagan created holds some truth. I believe that its different strokes for different folks all people play off to their family environments differently.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Domestic Violence Essay Essay
Domestic hysteria is defined as acts of physical and/or psychological force play committed by one partner or on to another. Though committed by both sexes, men commit the majority of domestic violence acts. While efforts consecrate been made to hold men from engaging in domestic violence, these efforts have yet to make a major payoff on the rates of violence against women. This is because these efforts often involve reversing long-held cultural and societal beliefs.Given this situation, violence against women willing likely continue despite best efforts to decrease womens vulnerability to such acts unless male essay factors and protective factors atomic number 18 addressed. While general risk factors exist, such as age and familiarity with the person, the majority of perpetrators have adopted behaviors, either learned behaviors or societal beliefs that increase their likelihood of committing domestic violence. Previous acts of violence against women is often the biggest pred ictor of whether or not a man will commit an act of violence. For example, men who commit rape are likely to have done so multiple times.Thats wherefore individuals with a history of physical violence are more likely to commit future acts. custody who hold traditional gender role beliefs, (men as breadwinners women should stay at home) and adapt to masculine norms (men lease to be self-reliant have power over women) are more likely to commit violence against women. Men who commit acts of domestic violence are likely to have experienced acts of violence against themselves, so they redirect their abuse to another. A large portion of these men also experienced abuse as a child, so they grow up thinking this behavior is acceptable.On the other hand, there are protective factors that can reduce the chance of men committing domestic violence. There are not galore(postnominal) ways of decreasing the chance of domestic violence, but there are some. Some of the most public would be chan ging social norms that turn away from or support violence against women (either through confederation intervention or public education), and/or by creating more stability in low-income communities, since there is a connection between violence and social problems (poverty, substance abuse, etc. )
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Bill Rights
The Theory that the 14th Amendment incorporates the Bill of Rights established the foundation for the Warren tourist courts criminal procedure revolution. The U. S. Supreme Court has incorporated many of the testimonials and prohibitions in the Bill of Rights. These protections are available to criminal offenders. In this paper, I go forth discuss which protections do not apply to the states. And the differences between the two honors adjectival and substantive. As you continue on reading, you see about, which protection is considered procedural and substantive.The protection against ex post facto justices means that the State cannot pass a law after a mortal has committed a crime and then prosecute the person for the first crime. You can only be prosecuted under the laws that in effect at the time of the crime. The protection against Bills of attainder prevents the State from passing a law meant to punish a certain person without legal shape. The 4th Amendment provides general protection against arbitrary search and seizure of person(s) and property. However, there are many exceptions to the quaternary Amendment that includes a warrant.It still, does not provide broad protection of the general public from inappropriate police conduct. The one-fifth Amendment provides a handful amount of protection. The protection against double jeopardy (which means being tried more than than once for the same offense) comes from this amendment. The unspoilt to remain silent came from a defendants Fifth Amendment right not to be compelled to be witness against himself. This Amendment provides a broad right to due process of law. The approximately important Amendment is the Sixth.This Amendment gives criminal defendants the right to assistance of counsel, the right to compel witnesses to appear at trial, the right to cross-examine witnesses at trial, the right to trial by jury, and the right to be informed of the nature of charges that live been filed against them. The right to agile a trial allows the defendants trial to be waived and prevents the state from incarcerating a defendant. Procedural law comprises the set of rules that govern the proceedings of the court in criminal lawsuits as well as complaisant and administrative proceedings.The court needs to conform to standards setup by procedural law, during proceedings. These rules ensure fair go for and consistency in the due process. Substantive law is a statutory law that deals with the legal relationship between people or the people and the state. Therefore, substantive law defines the rights and duties of the people, but procedural law lays down the rules with the help of which they are enforced (Procedural Law vs. Substantive Law, 2013). Procedural law is exactly what the pick out implies. It sets out the procedure for how a criminal case would proceed.Every state has their own set of procedures which is usually written in a set of rules called a code of criminal procedur e. Substantive law deals with the vegetable marrow of your charges. Every charge is comprised of elements. Elements are the specific acts needed to complete a crime. This law requires that the prosecutor upgrade every element of the crime in order for someone to be convicted of the crime. I believe that the Fourth Amendment is procedural because it takes procedures to be able to search and seizure a person(s) and their property.You just cant go in and search with a reason and a warrant. To obtain a warrant you have to have a reason and steps to receive it. The Fifth Amendment is substantive because it deals with the structure and facts of the case. It defines the rights and duties of the defendant. The Sixth Amendment has the most procedural rights. It enable the right to a speedy a trial, impartial jury, informed of nature and cause of accusation, face opposing witnesses compulsory process for obtaining favorable witnesses and right to counsel. In conclusion, the U. S.Supreme Co urt has, through the due process clause of the 14th Amendment, incorporated many of the protections and prohibitions contains in the Bill of Rights. While reading this paper, you now know the protections that are available to criminal offenders through the bill of rights that do not currently apply to the states. You besides read about the differences between procedural and substantive protections for the criminal offenders in the Bill of Rights. Included in this paper, you read about which protections were procedural and substantive in the Bill of Rights.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Inferno Canto X
Canto X of Dante Alighieris Inferno starts with Virgil and Dante on their delegacy to the 6th circle. The sixth circle is where the tombs of those who believe that the soul dies with the body are put. We call them Epicureans. Dante then meets two Epicureans. The first one, Farinata degli Uberti notices Dante because of his accent. Farinata asks who his ancestors are and finds out that they were his enemies. The conversation goes on until another Epicurean appears, Cavalcante dei Cavalcanti. Dante and Cavalcante know each because Guido, the son of Cavalcante is good friends with Dante and he married Beatrice.Cavalcante then asks why his son isnt with him. Dante gives a reply that makes Cavalcante think that his son is dead. afterwards hearing this, Cavalcante got depressed and went back to his place. Dante realizes that those who are in the sixth circle can only command the future. Farinata and Dante continue their conversation then Virgil calls Dante and tells him that they get going. Dante was left with curiousity as he and Virgil walk a means that disgust them. I find the start slow and as the story goes on it becomes fast paced because of the way Farinata was introduced to Dante by Virgil.I also have a feeling that Virgil knows their groups are enemies. Line 39 of Canto X, Virgil told Dante your lecture must be appropriate. Why? How come Dante knows nothing about Farinata? Another fast paced part was when Cavalcante curtly appeared. Vague information was given about him. When you think about it, its strange how Farinata and Cavalcante didnt charge mind each other. Their supposed to be enemies, right? Farinata is a Ghibellines while Cavalcante is a Guelph. They didnt withal argue. In this canto, you can see how Dante is always curious about the Florentines.He asked Farinata who else are in the sixth circle and also asked Virgil if he can meet any of the Epicureans. Much curiousity is awaited at the near canto. We can see how Virgil was rushing Da nte to leave. There is also a hint that Dante might meet Beatrice. As they walk, at lines 135 to 136, along a path that strikes into a valley whose stench, as it rose up, disgusted us. In my opinion, the stench symbolizes the intensity of what they have done. The stronger the stench, the more intense they have done.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Fast food restaurant Essay
In 1921, after human race War 1, vehicles became more(prenominal) than popular and more affordable for the middle class at that placefore, drive-in restaurants were introduced. Founded by truncheon Ingram and Walter Anderson, the American Company White Castle, is gener all toldy credited with opening the second flying solid nutrient sack and first ground beef chain. Walter Anderson had built the first drive-in restaurant in Wichita in 1916, introducing a scurvy cost and high speed hamburger restaurant. White Castle was tremendously successful from the beginning and produced numerous competitors. Then, franchising was introduced by A&W Root Beer, which franchised its distinctive syrup.Howard Johnsons first franchised the restaurant concept in the mid-1930s, formally standardizing menus, signage and advertising. More all over, in 2006, the global tumultuous food market grew by 4. 8% and reached a pry of 102. 4 billion dollars. Shockingly, in India alone, the libertine food industry was growing by 41% a year. Today, the United States has the main profuse food industry in the valet, having roughly 2 million U. S. workers occupied in the areas of food preparation and food servicing. Leader in the spendthrift feed Industry A&W, McDonalds, Subway? The troubled-food industry or quick service restaurants are thriving.The food industry is let by fast food restaurants which are responsible for 72. 8% of the whole food industry revenues. In due north America, McDonalds is followed by Subway, Burger King, Wendys, Starbucks, Taco Bell, Dunkin Donuts, pizza pie Hut, KFC. altogether in particular order to the amount of gross sales in North America in 2010. McDonalds is the industry leader, with revenues that are 3 times to the beside on the list. They are rattling much concentrated on low prices and getting the client as quick as possible out the door, which appeals a lot to families that want a cheap, fun and in effect(p) place to eat.In todays mode rn society, time is a very essential and throttle factor society is very preoccupied with everything else going on, their eating habits become irrelevant. This is where fast food restaurants such(prenominal)(prenominal) as McDonalds, have a great success preparing their food in record time, making more time for other and more important tasks. Fast nutrition Trends Over the last decade there has been augmentd focus on the quality of food served in fast food restaurants. unseasoned fast food versus old fast food, which essentially means that throughout the past years, many fast food businesses started to develop.And two leagues of fast food restaurants have emerged. Old fast foods and new fast foods, the old fast foods consist of companies like McDonalds and smaller companies like Burger King and Yum Brands (Taco Bell, KFC, Arbys and Wendys). New fast foots are Chipotle Mexican Grill, Panera plunder, Five Guys and Oqdoba all owned by Jack in the turning point which is a member o f the old fast food league. Both leagues have very similar attri exactlyes. They two serve inexpensive food in a casual matter while keeping a fast tempo.But the players in the new league have introduced higher-quality menu items, making the consumers catch more similar to a traditional restaurant dining casually at a table, preferably than being in and out of the fast food restaurant with a greasy bag of food. typically highly processed and industrial in preparation, much of the food is high in fat and has been shown to increase body mass index and cause weight gain. Popular books such as Fast Food Nation and documentaries like Super Size Me have amplified public awareness of the negative health consequences of fast food.These documentaries have had a huge impact on fast food restaurants who were indirectly obliged to act to this trend if they wanted to keep most of their clientele. AMERICAN DIETARY TRENDS, BY DECADE Historical Events Food Trends of the Time 19501959 Mothers returning to the home after the war effort Postwar baby boom body structure of the national highway system Packaged meals available First TV dinner (Swanson), 1953 Rise of hamburger chains along highways Oscar Mayer Wiener-Mobile 19601969 Growing middle class with money to spend. Growing social unrest over the Vietnam War in late 1960s Introduction of Julia Childs French cooking hipsters bring back demand for unprocessed, made-from-scratch foods Vegetarian trend starts 19701979 End of Vietnam War Watergate scandal Growing inflation major(ip) influx of Asians due to Immigration Act of 1965 Continued demand for organic and fresh California cuisine Elaborate dinner parties with ethnic dishes Growing appetite for Asian cuisine 19801989 Stock market plonk of 1987 Nouvelle Cuisine is the thing du jourdiners willing to pay more to eat less Return to simplicity in late 1980s. Exploration of diametrical tastes (e. g. , TexMex, Ethiopian, Southwestern) 19901999 Introdu ction of the Internet puts foods at consumers fingertips Everything reduced-fat, low-fat, fat-free Naturally healthy cuisines (Mediterranean) New movement toward simplicity fragments in Fast Food Industry When observing the fast food industry, it is transparent that restaurants specialize in authoritative fat foods. In fact, fast food restaurants can be dual-lane in eight categories Asian food, burgers, sea food, pizza/alimentary paste, snacks, icteric, Mexican food and sandwiches.The different segments distinguishes the direct competitors such as McDonalds and Carls junior trying to contend/ build the best burgers and the indirect competitors such as Quiznos who specialize in sandwiches and Dominos Pizza who focuses on promoting their delicious pizza but still tries to sell sandwiches. All fast food restaurants fiercely debate with each other to sell not only their speciality but have the most sales in general. In 2010, as being the leader of the fast food industry, McDon alds was and is still at the top of the burger category, with more than $32 billion in system wide sales.The winners for the other categories were Taco Bell for the Mexican segment, KFC for the chicken category, Pizza Hut for the Pizza and Pasta brands, and Long John Silvers winning the Seafood segment. The graph demonstrates the different segments of the fast food industry as well as the restaurants and their rankings. QSR 50 Rank Company Segment 22 Panda Express asian 3 Burger King*2 burger 23 Carls Jr. * burger 34 Checkers/Rallys burger 33 Culvers burger 16 Dairy Queen* burger 30 Five Guys Burgers & Fries burger 19 Hardees* burger.45 In-N-Out Burger* burger 15 Jack in the Box burger 50 Krystal* burger 1 McDonalds burger 10 Sonic burger 27 Steak N Shake* burger 4 Wendys* burger 25 Whataburger burger 40 White Castle* burger 31 Bojangles chicken 41 Boston Market* chicken 11 Chick-fil-A chicken 26 Churchs Chicken chicken 38 El Pollo Loco chicken 9 KFC chicken 20 Popeyes* chicken 28 Z axbys chicken 18 Chipotle mexican 36 Del Taco mexican 44 Qdoba mexican 6 Taco Bell mexican 39 CiCis Pizza* pizza/pasta 12 Dominos Pizza* pizza/pasta.24 Little Caesars* pizza/pasta 35 Papa Murphys pizza/pasta 17 Papa Johns pizza/pasta 8 Pizza Hut pizza/pasta 43 Sbarro* pizza/pasta 14 Arbys sandwich 48 Einstein Bros. Bagels* sandwich 42 Jasons Deli sandwich 29 Jimmy Johns* sandwich 13 Panera Bread sandwich 21 Quiznos* sandwich 2 Subway* sandwich 47 Captain Ds seafood 32 Long John Silvers* seafood 37 Baskin Robbins* snack 49 Cold tilt Creamery snack 7 Dunkin Donuts* snack 5 Starbucks* snack 46 Tim Hortons1 snack Own A Fast Food Restaurant a Bad or Good Idea?It is not a very good and viable industry for anyone to enter. The global economy shifts have been proven to highly affect certain fast food companies. Fast food companies were once thought to be immune to recesss, because of their low prices and fast service because logically in a recession, consumers have to cut spending. Many c onsumers traded down, from casual restaurants to fast food restaurants because of the cheap BigMacs, Whoppers and $1 value meals. As a result, fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their pricier competitors.In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6%, but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains. In some markets, such as Japan, France and Britain, total spending on fast food increased. Same-store sales in America at McDonalds, the worlds largest fast-food company, did not decline throughout the downturn. Panera Bread, an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients, performed well, too its boss, Ron Shaich, claims this is because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants. Money can be a big problem in monetary value of starting a business in the fast food industry.Rising prices have also importantly affected many fast food franchises. With food and beverage inputs making up approximate ly 33% of costs, higher prices for livestock, corn, wheat and more have seriously shrunk margins over the past decade. In such a fiercely competitive space it is impossible to force a price increase on customers, so profit margins are often south of 10%. The recent economic recession did lower trade good prices, but the recession brought on its own complications, and now prices for commodity inputs are on the rise again. send and Indirect Competitors.Direct competitors in the fast food industry are the companies that produces and sells an almost identical increase which they offer for sale within the same market as those produced by one or more other companies. McDonalds and Burger King compete directly with each other, Wendys and A&W also compete directly because they have a very similar product and service. If a customer really wants a burger and fries, he or she will not go at the other end of town honourable to get to their favorite burger place, they will settle for a very similar product within a closer proximity.Indirect competitors in the fast food industry are the companies or services that are not similar to each other and that share very different characteristics about their product or service. A good example of an indirect competition in the fast food industry could be restaurants such as Swiss Chalet or a sandwich shop and a Panda Express, twain are fast food restaurants but they compete indirectly with each other because one customer may want to eat an Asian dish but not wanting to eat a sandwich, this leading to the customer going as far as it takes to go eat an Asian dish.All in all, fast food is not only about a fast service or eating fattening food , it requires a lot of knowledge and time to make these franchises work and make an ever growing profit. Over the past years and the years to come, McDonalds has and will obviously be the occur one leader in the fast food industry because of their extraordinary service, delicious food and the ir 34,000 restaurants all over the world.However, as years go by, obesity is becoming a huge problem as thousands of kids and adults are attained of heart problems, therefore, decreasing the amount of clients who eat fast food yearly. Trends are changing and people are starting to eat a lot healthier realising how significant it is to take palm of their body. In the next century, will fast food restaurants become a thing of the past or will they find a way to stay their clients number ones solution when it comes to make full up their stomach? Only time will tell
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